Deus Ex/Augmentations

As nanotechnologically-augmented agent JC Denton, the player can further enhance their abilities with augmentations which, once installed, grant the player special abilities, such as increased strength, health regeneration, invisibility or toxic resistance, to name a few. The player starts the game with three default augmentations, and can add up to nine more as they become available. Augmentations are stored in cylindrical augmentation canisters, which, once picked up, can be taken to a medical bot for installation. Each augmentation canister can install one of two augmentations. Augmentations, once installed, must be switched on to take effect. Active augmentations draw on the player's reserve of bioelectric energy at varying rates (IFF and Infolink are the only exceptions to these rules, they are always on and draw no power). Bioelectric energy can be replenished by recharging at a repair bot, or from portable bioelectric cells. Not including 'Default', augmentations fit into six different categories: Cranial, Eyes, Torso, Subdermal, Arms, and Legs. The following is a list of all augmentations sorted by category.
